Cooling tower


Cooling tower characteristics

BVG 40

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2БВГ 40

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The hydraulic load (water flow), m3 / hour - minimal50
- nominal150÷200
- maximal250
Water pressure at the cooling tower input, MCE (kgf/cm2)2 ÷ 5 (0,2 ÷ 0,5)
Temperature difference ∆ t, °С5 ÷ 20
Thermal load at υ=30°С, t=20°С, φ=40%, Megacalories/h (kW)~2500 (~3000)
Droplet entrainment, %Not more than 0,01
Diameter of the fan, mm2400
Consumed power of electromotor, kW8 / 1,4
Rotation rate, rpm485 / 241
Noise level at a distance of 10 m, DbNot more than 70
Dimension Sizes (length x wide x height), mm4000(4800)• 3400• 4425
Allowable temperature of the water at the cooling tower input, °СNot more than 65
Branch pipe of water supply ( Dу1 ), mm2 х 150
Weight without water, kgNot more than 3500
Working mass, kgNot more than 5000
υ - the air temperature according to air dry bulb thermometer; t - the air temperature according to air wet bulb thermometer; φ - relative humidity of air.

Parameter nameParameter value2БВГ-40
The hydraulic load (water flow), m³/hour
- minimal100
- nominal300÷400
- maximal500
Water pressure at the cooling tower input, MCE (kgf/cm2)2 ÷ 5 (0,2 ÷ 0,5)
Temperature difference ∆ t, °С5 ÷ 20
Thermal load at υ=30°С, t=20°С, φ=40%, Megacalories/h (kW)~5000 (~6000)
Droplet Entrainment, %Not more than 0,01
Diameter of the fan, mm2400 (2 pcs)
Consumed power of electromotor, kW(8 / 1,4) х 2
Rotation rate, rpm485 / 241
Noise level at a distance of 10 m, DbNot more than 70
Dimension Sizes (length x wide x height), mm7960(8760) • 3400 • 4425
Allowable temperature of the water at the cooling tower input, °СNot more than 65
Branch pipe of water supply ( Dу1 ), mm4 х 150
Weight without water, kgNot more than 7000
Working mass, kgNot more than 10000

BodyHot dipped galvanized steel
Fan stackFRP
FillPVC / PP (upon request)
Drift eliminatorPVC / PP (upon request)
Nozzles PP / ABS (upon request)
Air guidesPP / Galvanized steel
Fan instalationPAG (blades), AI (hub)
Fan supportHot dipped galvanized steel
Connecting elementsCink Steel
Water trayFRP
Fan protectionCink Steel
Motor housingColor coated steel

  • Low running costs
  • Minimum maintenance requirements
  • A wide range of components to best meet the requirements of the Customer
  • Optimal weight for positioning on overlapped buildings
  • The shortest possible installation and commissioning time
  • Thermal design of the cooling tower, structural design, selection of materials and components are performed in accordance with technical requirements. Only the highest grade materials and mechanical equipment are used in the construction of the cooling tower, the reliability of which has been proven over time. The final optimal design solutions are a combination of modern methods based on computer technology.
  • The frame of the cooling tower consists of metal structures, assembled on site. All internal and external metal structures of the cooling tower are treated with a special high-performance anti-corrosion coating. The roof of this cooling tower consists of four segments made of glass fiber reinforced polyester and is installed at an angle, thus forming a confuser.
  • Polymer sprinkler provides a high water cooling effect at low aerodynamic resistance, does not clog, and is resistant to low air temperatures. A fan unit is located in the upper part of the cooling tower, providing air supply. The fan unit includes an impeller with plastic blades, a diffuser and an electric motor.
  • To ensure optimal operation of the electric motor and the fan unit itself, depending on atmospheric parameters and the temperature of the chilled water, the cooling tower is equipped with a control and monitoring system with a frequency-controlled electric drive, which significantly reduces power consumption. The water distribution system is made of plastic.
  • The cooling tower is delivered in separate assembly units by road and is assembled on site. Installed on a previously prepared pool or tied to an existing one. Installation time of a cooling tower on a prepared pool is 4-7 days.
  • Может быть выполнена модификация градирни с стеклопластиковым каркасом.
Cooling towerHeat load.Hydraulic
Cooling tower dimensionsMotorFan diameterInlet connectionTransport weight.Weight
Model kW m3/h.L, W, H, mm. kWmm.Dn,
BVG-362.9002503600х3600х4950 92.400150х23.50011.400
2 BVG-365.8005007200х3600х49509х22.400150х46.75022.200
2 BVG-407.0006008000х4000х495013х22.400150х47.25026.640
2 BVG-427.7006608400х4200х495015х22.400150х47.80029.050
3 BVG-368.75075010800х3600х49509х32.400150х69.85032.980
3 BVG-4010.50090012000х4000х495013х32.400150х610.50039.600
 3 BVG-4211.600100012600х4200х495015х32.400150х611.00046.640